dimanche 30 novembre 2014

Courir sur le haricot or agacer

Il court sur le haricot de Simone Daillencourt.

He gets on Simone Daillencourt's nerves.

Literal translation:
He runs on the bean of Simone Daillencourt.

Il commence à la courir sur le haricot avec son fous rire.

He is beginning to get on her nerves with his hysterical laughter.

Literal translation:
He is beginning to her to run on the bean with his hysterical laughter.

courir sur le haricot - to get on the nerves


Il agace Simone Daillencourt.

He annoys Simone Daillencourt. 

Il commence l'agacer avec son fous rire.

He is beginning to annoy she with his hysterical laughter.

Literal translation:

He is beginning she to annoy with his hysterical laughter.

Agacer - to annoy, to get on ones nerves

samedi 29 novembre 2014

Courir à perdre haleine

Elle court à perdre haleine.
She runs like the wind.


She runs until she is out of breath.

Literal translation:

She runs if to lose breath.

Perdre - to lose
La haleine - the breath

Beginner Tip: Every noun (n) is feminine (f=la) or masculine (m=le).

La haleine (nf)
Le vent - the wind (nm)

Photo thanks to: http://lvbra.livejournal.com/pics/catalog/288/91048

vendredi 28 novembre 2014

Se mettre à and courir

Les gens se sont mis à courir très vite de taureau.

People started to run very fast from the bull.

Literal translation
The people themselves are put to run very fast from the bull.

Se mettre à - to set about, to set to
Courir - to run

Photo thanks to:

jeudi 27 novembre 2014

Encore and mettre son grain de sel

Encore une fois, votre voisin a mis son grain de sel, "Pourquoi avez-vous pas eu encore d'enfants?"

Once again, your neighbor has put in her two cents, "Why haven't you had children yet?"

Literal translation:
Again one/a time, your neighbor has put in her grain of salt, "Why have-you not had still some children?"

Mettre son grain de sel - to put in one's grain of salt, to put in your two cents, to stick in your oar, to give your opinion where it is not necessary
Encore une fois - once again
une fois/la fois - a time/the time (nf)
encore - still

Photo thanks to: http://theoatmeal.com/comics/kids

Encore une fois - look at babla dictionary - http://www.babla.fr/francais-anglais/encore-une-fois

mercredi 26 novembre 2014

Rien ne sert de courir, il faut partir à point and si encore

Rien ne sert de courir, il faut partir à point.
Slow and steady wins the race.

Literal translation:
Nothing not serves of to run, it is necessary to leave on time.

Si encore le lapin est parti à point, qu'il aurait gagne la course.

If only the rabbit had left on time, he would have won the race.

Literal translation:
If still the rabbit is left on time, that he would have won the race.