mardi 2 décembre 2014

Agacer and se plaindre sans cesse and journée

Elle agacé quand son copain s'est plaint sans cesse.

She was annoyed when her boyfriend complained nonstop.

Literal translation:
She was annoyed when her boyfriend himself is complaining without cease.

Qui d'entre nous n'a jamais été agacé par le copain ou la copine qui se plaint sans cesse de la "mauvaise" journée quand vous avez eu la pire journée tous les jours?

Who has not been annoyed by the boyfriend or the girlfriend complaining of a "bad" day when you have been having the worst day every day?

Literal translation:
Who of between we/us not have never been annoyed by the boyfriend or the girlfriend who himself/herself complains without cease of the bad day when you have been having the worst day all the days?

qui se plaint - complaining (adj m/f)
se plaindre sans cesse - to complain without ceasing (v)
la mauvaise journée  - day (nf) mauvaise (adj)
vous avez eu - you have been having (Present perfect continuous)

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