25 signes qui montrent qu’elle a envie de vous
Manifestement, des femmes trahissent ses émotions qui montrent qu'elles ont envie des hommes.
Faites-attention, il y aurait quelque chose la...
1) Elle vous touche plusieurs fois.
2) Elle rit fréquemment, nerveusement, même quand il n’y a rien de drôle.
3) Elle se frotte les lèvres l’une contre l’autre en votre présence.
4) Elle prononce souvent votre nom dans la conversation
5) Son portable sonne et elle ne répond pas. Encore mieux, elle l’éteint.
25 signs that show that she wants you
Clearly, women betray their emotions that show that they want men. Pay attention, there might be something here...
1) She touches you several times.
2) She laughs frequently, nervously, even when there is nothing funny
3) She licks* her lips in your presence
4) She says your name often in the conversation
5) Her cell phone rings and she doesn't respond. Even better, she turns it off.
Literal translation:
25 signes that/who show that she has longing of you
Clearly, some women betray their emotions that/who show that they have longing some men.
Pay attention, it there would have something there...
1) She you touches several times.
2) She laughs frequently, nervously, even/same when it not there has nothing of funny.
3) She herself rubs* the lips the one between the other in your presence.
4) She pronounces/utters/mouths often your name in the conversation
5) Her cell phone rings and she not responds not. Even better, she it turns off/switches off.
Si vous voulez regarder le reste du article, voici le site web:**
If you want to look the rest of the article, here is the website:**
trahissent - trahir - to betray
they are betraying (Present continuous) = ils/elles trahissent (Indicatif présent)
montrent - montrer - to show
they are showing (Present continuous) = ils/elles montrent (Indicatif présent)
ils/elles montrent (Subjonctif présent) = they show (Present subjunctive)
rit - rire - to laugh
he/she/it is laughing/laughs (Present) = il/elle/on rit (Indicatif présent)
a envie/ont envie - avoir envie - to want (will cover more of this in future blog posts)