mardi 23 décembre 2014

Croire and asseoir and pouvoir

Je ne crois pas on peut s'asseoir et parler de livres et est classé.

I can not believe we get to sit around and talk about books and get graded.
Literal translation:
I not believe not one can oneself to sit and to talk of books and are graded.
Tu peux t'asseoir et lire des livres toute la journée. Avoir de grandes conversations sur des idées.
You get to sit around and read books all day, have really great conversations about ideas.
Literal translation:
You can yourself to sit and to read some books all the day.  To have of big conversations on some ideas.

lundi 22 décembre 2014

Habiter and emménager and croire

Vous croyez qu'elle habite par ici?  
Oui, elle habite par ici.  En fait, elle a emménagés juste au coin de la rue.  

You think she lives around here?
Yes, she lives around here.  In fact, she moved in around the corner.

Literal translation:
You think that she lives by here?
Yes, she lives by here.  In fact, she has moved in just to the corner of the road.

croyez que - croire que - to think that
     You think that (Present Indicative)  =  Vous croyez que (présent indicatif)
habite par ici - habiter par ici - to live around here
habiter - to live
     she lives around here (Present Indicative)  =  elle habite par ici ((présent indicatif)
emménagés - emménager -  to move in
     she has moved in (Present Perfect)  =  elle a emménagés (Passé Composé)

dimanche 21 décembre 2014


Nous avons déménagé trois fois en un ans.  C'était terrible!

We have moved three times in one year.  It was terrible!

Déménager, c'est quitter ton lieu de résidence actuelle.

To move out, it is to leave your current place of residence.

déménagé - déménager - to move out
     we moved out (Present Perfect)  =  Nous avons déménagé (Passé Composé)
était - être - to be
     It was (Imperfect)  =  C'était (Imparfait) 

samedi 20 décembre 2014

Emménager, habiter and déménager

Les cousins de Paul et Laure les ont déménagé de son appartement actuelle et les ont emménagés dans sa nouvelle maison.

The cousins of Paul and Laure helped them move out of their current apartment and move into their new house.

Literal translation:

The cousins of Paul and Laure them have moved in their new house.

Emménager, c'est habiter dans une nouvelle résidence.

To move in, it is to live in a new residence.

Literal translation:

To move in, it is to live in a new residence.

Déménagé  - déménager - to move out
     They moved them out (Present Perfect)  =  Ils les ont déménagé (Passé Composé)
     They moved Paul and Laure, they moved them out  =  Ils les ont déménagé
Emménagés Emménager - to move in, to help somebody move in
     they moved (Present Perfect)  =  ils ont emménagés (Passé Composé)
     they moved Paul and Laure, they moved them =   ils les ont emménagés

vendredi 19 décembre 2014

Donner envie, apparaître, suivre and emménager and La Famille Jone$

Etes-vous pret a suivre les tendances?

Lorsque les Jones emménagent dans* la banlieue chic d’une petite ville américaine, ils apparaissent tout de suite comme une famille idéale. Non seulement ce sont** des gens charmants, mais ils ont en plus une magnifique maison et sont mieux équipés que toutes les autres familles (du) quartier. Le problème c’est que la famille Jones n’existe pas: ce sont** les employés d’une société de marketing dont le but est de donner envie aux gens de posséder ce qu’ils ont

Are you ready to follow the trends?

When the Jones move into* the fancy suburb of a small American town, they seem suddenly the ideal family.  Not only are they** charming, but they have additionally a magnificent home and are better equipped than all the other families (of the) neighborhood.  The problem is that the Jones family doesn't exist: they are** employees of a marketing company whose goal is to make everyone want what they (the Jones) possess...

Literal translation:

Are-you ready to to follow the trends?

When the Jones moved in in* the suberb fancy of a small town american, they seemed all of sudden like a family ideal.  Not only this are** some people charming, but they have additionally a magnificent home and are better equipped than all the other families (of the) neighborhood.  The problem it is that the family Jones not exist not: they are** the employees of a company of marketing whose the goal is of to give longing to people of to posses this that they have...

emménagent - emménager - to move in - s'installer chez soi
     they are moving in (Present indicative)  =  ils (les Jones) emménagent (présent indicatif)
apparaissent - apparaître - to appear/to seem 
     they seem (Present indicative)  =  ils apparaissent (présent indicatif)
ont - avoir - to have 
     they have (Present indicative)  =  ils ont (présent indicatif)
sont mieux équipés - être mieux équipé de -  to be best equipped,  to be best fitted
                               - être équipé de - to be equipped with, to be equipped with
     they are best equipped (the passive)  =  Ils sont mieux équipés (le passif)

le passif - passive voice

Regarde le site web pour (le passif):

ce sont** ce qu’ils ont** - declarative sentences:


jeudi 18 décembre 2014

Avoir envie and donner

Il a envie de dormir, donne-lui du café.
He's sleepy, give him some coffee.
Literal translation:
He has longing of to sleep, give-him some coffee.

mercredi 17 décembre 2014

Rire and avoir envie (and lots of other good words to know)

25 signes qui montrent qu’elle a envie de vous 

Manifestement, des femmes trahissent ses émotions qui montrent qu'elles ont envie des hommes. 

Faites-attention, il y aurait quelque chose la...

1)  Elle vous touche plusieurs fois.
2)  Elle rit fréquemment, nerveusement, même quand il n’y a rien de drôle.
3)  Elle se frotte les lèvres l’une contre l’autre en votre présence.
4)  Elle prononce souvent votre nom dans la conversation
5)  Son portable sonne et elle ne répond pas. Encore mieux, elle l’éteint.

25 signs that show that she wants you

Clearly, women betray their emotions that show that they want men.  Pay attention, there might be something here...

1)  She touches you several times.
2)  She laughs frequently, nervously, even when there is nothing funny
3)  She licks* her lips in your presence
4)  She says your name often in the conversation
5)  Her cell phone rings and she doesn't respond.  Even better, she turns it off.

Literal translation:
25 signes that/who show that she has longing of you

Clearly, some women betray their emotions that/who show that they have longing some men.

Pay attention, it there would have something there...

1)  She you touches several times.
2)  She laughs frequently, nervously, even/same when it not there has nothing of funny.
3)  She herself rubs* the lips the one between the other in your presence.
4)  She pronounces/utters/mouths often your name in the conversation
5) Her cell phone rings and she not responds not.  Even better, she it turns off/switches off.

Si vous voulez regarder le reste du article, voici le site web:**

If you want to look the rest of the article, here is the website:**

trahissent - trahir - to betray 
     they are betraying (Present continuous)  =  ils/elles trahissent (Indicatif présent)
montrent - montrer - to show
     they are showing (Present continuous) =   ils/elles montrent (Indicatif présent)
     ils/elles montrent (Subjonctif présent) =  they show (Present subjunctive)
rit - rire - to laugh
     he/she/it is laughing/laughs (Present) = il/elle/on rit (Indicatif présent)
a envie/ont envie - avoir envie - to want (will cover more of this in future blog posts)

mardi 16 décembre 2014

Rire and envie

"Je suis comme je suis.  Je suis faite comme ça.  Quand j'ai envie* de rire.  Oui je ris aux éclats" Jacques Prévert

"I am like I am.  I am made like that.  When I long to laugh.  Yes I roar with laughter."

Literal translation:
"I am like I am.  I am made like that.  When I have longing* of to laugh.  Yes I laugh to bits."

envie - usually means envy, but in this case, it is longing

A song by Jacques Prévert, the rest of the lines here:

lundi 15 décembre 2014

Rire, intéresser and faire

Au bout de quelque temps, vous voulez être avec (celui) qui vous font rire...

After a while, you want to be with (the one) who makes you laugh...
Literal translation:
At the end of any time, you want to be with (that one) who you makes to laugh...
Les femmes sont plus intéressées par les hommes qui les font rire, cette caractéristique rend les hommes plus attrayants.
Women are most interested in men who make them laugh, this characteristic makes men most attractive.
Literal translation:
The women are most interested by the men who them make to laugh, this characteristic renders the men most attractive.

samedi 13 décembre 2014

Vivre and rire

Les gens qui rient facilement ont tendance à vivre plus longtemps que ceux qui ne le font pas.

People who laugh easily have the tendency to live longer than those who do not.

Literal translation:
The people who laugh easily have tendency to to live more long than those who not it do not.

rire - to laugh
avoir - to have
faire - to do

rient - present tense
ont - present tense
vivre - infinitive
font - present

vendredi 12 décembre 2014

Offrir and enlever and vivre

Vis pour ce que demain a (à t'offrir) et non pour ce que hier t'a enlevé.

Live* for what tomorrow has (to offer you) and not for what yesterday had taken away from you.
Literal translation:
Live for this that tomorrow has to you to offer and no for this that yesterday you had taken.
Vivre - to live
Vis - imperative tense
a - present tense
offrir - infinitive tense
a enlevé - instant past

jeudi 11 décembre 2014

Amitié and donner and mourir and offrir

Offrir l'amitié à qui veut l'amour, c'est donner du pain à qui meurt de soif.

To offer friendship to someone who wants love is like giving food to someone who is dying of thirst.


Nothing is crueler than unrequited love.

Literal translation:
To offer the friendship to who wants the love, it is to give some bread to who dies of thirst.

mercredi 10 décembre 2014

Vrai ami and amitié and honnête

J'estime que de vrais amis se doivent d'être honnêtes les uns envers les autres.

I think real friends are obligated to be honest with each other.

Literal translation:
I regard that of true friends himself himself/herself should of to be honest the ones toward the others.

La vraie amitié est avec la personne qui vous a dit: “je suis là pour toi” et l’a prouvé.

A real friendship is with someone who says to you: "I am there for you." and proved it.

Literal translation:
The true friendship is with the person who you has said: "I am there for you." and it has proved.

mardi 9 décembre 2014

Un vrai ami, intéresser, and a fait un clin d'oeil

Une chose reste certain: 
-Si elle invite Pierre, Julie, et Chloé quand vous propose une sortie
-si elle vous considére comme un vrai ami
-si elle parle du collègue qui elle a fait un (clin d'oeil)
-et si elle ne couche pas avec vous
il y a de grandes chances qu'elle n'est intéressée pas à vous.

One thing for certain: 
-if she invites Pierre, Julie and Chloe when you propose to go out
-if she considers you like a true friend
-if she talks of a co-worker that she has winked at
-and if she won't sleep with you
there's a big chance that she is not interested in you.  

Literal translation:
A thing keeps certain:
-if she invites Pierre, Julie and Chloe when you propose a night out
-if she you considers like a true friend
-if she talks of co-worker who she has made a (wink)
-and if she not bed not with you
it there has of big chance that she not is interested not to you

lundi 8 décembre 2014

Le besoin and vrais amis.

C'est dans le besoin qu'on reconnaît ses vrais amis.

A friend in need is a friend indeed.

Literal translation
It is in the need that one knows his real friends.

dimanche 7 décembre 2014

Malheuresement, répondre and j'ai besoin

Malheureusement, je ne pourrais pas répondre à votre question parce que j'ai besoin de café.

Unfortunately, I could not respond to your question because I'm in need of coffee.

Literal translation:
Unfortunately, I not could not to respond to your question because I have need of coffee.

avoir besoin de - to be in need of

Le bonheur des uns fait le malheur des autres.

 Le bonheur des uns fait le malheur des autres.

One man's meat is another man's poison.


One man's trash is another man's treasure.

Literal translation:
The happiness of ones make the unhappiness of others.

vendredi 5 décembre 2014

Rayonnant de joie, rayonner de bonheur and loin de douter and ignorer

La fiancée a rayonné de bonheur.

The bride radiated/shined with happiness.

La fiancée etait rayonnant de joie, mais elle était loin de se douter qu'elle allait être divorcée huit ans plus tard.

The bride was beaming with joy, but she could not have known/little did she know she would be divorced eight years later.

Literal translation:
The bride was beaming with joy, but she was far of herself to doubt that she was going to be divorced eight years more later.

INSTEAD OF loin de douter USE ignorer

La fiancée etait rayonnant de joie, mais elle ignorait qu'elle allait être divorcée huit ans plus tard.

The bride was beaming with joy, but little did she know that she was going to be divorced eight years more later.

Literal translation:
The bride was beaming with joy, but she was ignoring that she was going to be divorced eight years more later.

Elle ignorait que ce moment allait changer sa vie entière

Little did she know that one moment would change her whole life.

Literal translation:
She was unaware that this moment was going to change her life entire.

jeudi 4 décembre 2014

C'est entendu/bien sûr and teint rayonnant and ayant

Je veux avoir teint rayonnant de quelqu'un qui va constamment à la gym sans ayant aller à la gym, c'est entendu/bien sûr.

I want to have the healthy glow of someone who consistently goes to the gym without having to go to the gym, of course.
Literal translation:
I want to have complexion glowing of someone who goes constantly to the gym without having to go to the gym.
le teint - complexion (nm)
constamment - constantly (adv)
ayant - having (Present Participle)
c'est entendu - of course BUT BETTER TO USE bien sûr

mercredi 3 décembre 2014

se plaindre and c'est entendu

D'accord, c'est entendu.  Mais je vais me plaindre tout le temps.

Okay, fine.  But I'm going to complain the whole time.

Literal translation
Of agreement, it is heard.  But I am going myself to complain all the time.

c'est entendu - fine, all right, it is understood, of course
se plaindre - to complain

mardi 2 décembre 2014

Agacer and se plaindre sans cesse and journée

Elle agacé quand son copain s'est plaint sans cesse.

She was annoyed when her boyfriend complained nonstop.

Literal translation:
She was annoyed when her boyfriend himself is complaining without cease.

Qui d'entre nous n'a jamais été agacé par le copain ou la copine qui se plaint sans cesse de la "mauvaise" journée quand vous avez eu la pire journée tous les jours?

Who has not been annoyed by the boyfriend or the girlfriend complaining of a "bad" day when you have been having the worst day every day?

Literal translation:
Who of between we/us not have never been annoyed by the boyfriend or the girlfriend who himself/herself complains without cease of the bad day when you have been having the worst day all the days?

qui se plaint - complaining (adj m/f)
se plaindre sans cesse - to complain without ceasing (v)
la mauvaise journée  - day (nf) mauvaise (adj)
vous avez eu - you have been having (Present perfect continuous)

Photo thanks to:

lundi 1 décembre 2014

Agacer and apprendre and à ma place

Howard: Tu sais que je suis vraiment content que tu a décidé apprendre le mandarin.
Sheldon: Pourquoi?
Howard: Une fois que vous êtes courant, vous avez un milliard de plus de gens à agacer à ma place.
Howard: You know I'm really glad that you decided to learn Mandarin.
Sheldon: Why?
Howard: Once you're fluent, you have a billion more people to annoy instead of me.
Literal translation:
H: You know that I am really happy that you have decided to learn the mandarin.
S: Why?
H: One/a time that you are fluent, you have a billion of more of people to to annoy to my place.

à la place - instead of me. (adv)

dimanche 30 novembre 2014

Courir sur le haricot or agacer

Il court sur le haricot de Simone Daillencourt.

He gets on Simone Daillencourt's nerves.

Literal translation:
He runs on the bean of Simone Daillencourt.

Il commence à la courir sur le haricot avec son fous rire.

He is beginning to get on her nerves with his hysterical laughter.

Literal translation:
He is beginning to her to run on the bean with his hysterical laughter.

courir sur le haricot - to get on the nerves


Il agace Simone Daillencourt.

He annoys Simone Daillencourt. 

Il commence l'agacer avec son fous rire.

He is beginning to annoy she with his hysterical laughter.

Literal translation:

He is beginning she to annoy with his hysterical laughter.

Agacer - to annoy, to get on ones nerves